The Biz Body Podcast
For Exercise Pro’s That Train Active People To Move and Feel Better, Even If They Are Managing Pain.
Your Practice Matters
Let's face it. The average population is not healthy. There is a high chance that you will work with a client with an undiagnosed or diagnosed medical condition.
More than likely, they will have aches and pains that they believe are normal or "just the way it is." How do you help clients manage long term problems?
If you work with real people that have real movement problems, this is the podcast for you.
Exercise can be a stimulus that no other prescription or procedure can replicate. Show your community how training can sustainably improve the quality of life.
Prepare them for what they love in life.
Monday Apr 25, 2022
73. Are You Settling For Average?
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Most businesses don't close because they are awesome.
Most close because they are average, or suck.
What service do you supply that is exceptional?
This is what sets apart a business that grows from the ones that are extinct.
1. Care about your clients.
2. Find out what they need.
3. Find out the "next" steps that will help them succeed. (Alex Hormozi)
4. Build those steps into your system, or offer.
5. Care even more about client experience.
Be exceptional in your own way.
Remember why you started your practice to begin with.
If you want to help people deeply care about them.
See how that process alone can help you create a better program that is original and can change a market.
Leave a review and a positive comment.
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
72. Price and Value Perspectives
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
So you want to raise prices but you have a rock in your gut.
Use these two perspectives to help keep/make your practice profitable.
Important professional relationships are nurtured by understanding the needs of others. Find out how you can help others get what they want.
They will reward you for it.
Friday Apr 15, 2022
71. Pain Prospects and Progress
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Do you work with people that have aches and pains that want to get better?Then this is a quick mind bender of a show for you.
Do you still believe that all pain comes from where someone feels it?
I know I did.
Even with evidence shouting at me not to.
I still worked to help the local problem, and it helped, sometime.
Changing how you view pain, may change where you begin with a client.
And that may lead to big progress.
Noi Group - Pain Science
Muscle System Specialist -
Review Supporting Pain Disc Pathology
Review of Disc Aging and Absence of Pain
Review of Asymptomatic Knees and Material Wear
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
70. Magic Modes For Your Clients’ Progress
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Ever want to help those clients that just feel stuck?
I do.
All the time.
Especially when I have a client that has trouble grasping a movement or position.
When Greg Mack brought up a different way to think about contraction modes, my ears perked up.
A different way to look at the pieces of the challenges we already give our clients. Not because we need more to track. But because it might lead you to better solutions that you have missed.
Just like I was missing.
This is a completely different way conceptualizing positions and observations.
At least, is was for me.
Book A Discovery With Greg Mack
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
69. Why do 1-on-1 training sessions?
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
In this quick episode we talk about the difference between personal training and small group training.
First, why the value of personal training is perceived to be so low for many. Next, why small group training could provide an amazing experience.
Lastly, how this all fits together with what people are managing, aches, pains and loss of ability with age.
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
68. Muscle and Aging: What It Means For Your Client
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Have you ever learned what happens to muscle as it ages?
How many young clients do you work with?
If you are like me, not many.
Chances are, your clients are over 35 years of age. Even more likely, over 50. How about over 50 with different medical conditions.
If you serve this population, then this episode is for you.
You will learn some aging factors that will matter, and the mechanisms behind them.
Below are all the references I used in preparing for this episode.
I highly recommend reading the reviews. They are free and full of helpful ideas. Think of how this info can be applied in real time to create critical solutions for people that desperately need help controlling their body and preserving their muscle.
Want to support the podcast? Subscribe and leave a review.
Thank you!!
Book Links: (not free and no affiliation)
Clinical and Radiological Anatomy of The Lumber Spine, Nikolai Bogduk
Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fleck & Kraemer
Skeletal Muscle Damage and Repair: Mechanisms and Interventions, Tiidus
Reviews:(all free)
Exercise-Induced Myokines can Explain the Importance of Physical Activity in the Elderly: An Overview
Stem Cell Aging in Skeletal Muscle Regeneration and Disease
Sarcopenia: Aging-Related Loss of Muscle Mass and Function
Aging in the Musculockeletal System
Skeletal Muscle Performance and Aging
Emerging Molecular Mediators and Targets for Age-related Skeletal Muscle Atrophy
Remodeling the Skeletal Muscle Extracellular Matrix in Older Age—Effects of Acute Exercise Stimuli on Gene Expression
Effects of Exercise and Aging on Skeletal Muscle
Exercise Promotes Healthy Aging of Skeletal Muscle
REVIEW Longevity and skeletal muscle mass: the role of IGF signalling, the sirtuins, dietary restriction and protein intake
Metabolic Syndrome and Sarcopenia
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
67. Greg Mack: Value Equals Observing What Most Pros Miss
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
How do you help people?
Who do you help?
Most Exercise Pros focus on training like an athlete, inventing choreography, or aesthetics.
There is a place for that. General exercise is a potent stimulus for a body. But how do you know how much to dose?
Can it help stave-off procedures or prolong health further into an aging human?
What about all the people with movement dysfunctions due to orthopedic, neurological, chemical, and other medical problems?
That is exactly why we are talking with Greg Mack today.
Understanding what you are measuring, what it means to you, and what it means to your client is everything. It might lead you to a solution that delivers an amazing experience for your client.
What they feel is their reality. And your success as a Professional is directly related to if your client experiences what they hope they experience.
If they are not aware they are better, then you fail.
If they notice, and they tell you..... they you have a shot of success.
Ask the right questions, form a great professional relationship, and become an elite level problem solver through keep observational skills.
Keep growing.
The Muscle System Specialist Course Online:
Book A Call With Greg Mack: Muscle System Specialist Discover Call
Monday Mar 07, 2022
66. Build Your Program Right From The Start: Part 3
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Build Programs That Matter
Here is the icing on the cake.
Some of the tech that I use for my client interviews, and how I formulate my nurturing process.
Your relationships and program will thank you for this.
Stop answering questions, and start asking, then listen. You will be surprised on what you will learn.
Links - Transcription Zoom
Fitness Pro Mentors - In-Person Personal Training Course - In-Person Sales and Systems Training
The Strong Coach -Build an online coaching system
Ideas and take aways-
take good notes
nurture, mirror, ask a follow up question then listen better
build new systems into your current offer
make things as simple as possible for your clients
use your system to make the in-person time even more valuable
Friday Mar 04, 2022
65. Build Your Program Right From The Start: Part 2
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
If you have clients and want to improve their experience, this is the show for you.
Use these questions to help build a better process that helps get specific results.
I know that it isn't easy to have the same outcome with humans.
The human system is unpredictable.
That is why communication and relationship building helps you connect and deliver.
Interview your clients with these questions, or add your own. Ask, and you shall improve.
The Strong Coach
How do you define success in regards to your health and fitness?
What keeps you up at night? Why do you worry about it in regards to your health and fitness?
Can you walk me through your decision to work with me, starting with the moment you decided to look for a coach?
What happened on the day that you started looking for a trainer/coach?
What aspects of my service did you evaluate and compare to others?
What factors cause you to question whether my services are needed or not?
How did you hear about our services?
What other services and programs have you done in the past?
Why are you committed to doing this now?
Describe to me, in your own words, your current condition?
Where do you want to be?
Be honest - What do you think is stopping you from having the health/life of your dreams?(The more specific you are here, the quicker we’ll get you clarity and make progress)
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
64. Build Your Program Right From The Start: Part1
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
So many Exercise Pros build a program that nobody wants.
Well, one person wants it.... the creator.
It wasn't built specifically for anyone.
Just think of all the hours filming, creating, marketing..... with no one using what you made.
What if you could find out exactly what your prospects wanted, and how they describe it.
One of the biggest problems is that most practitioners that are in the space of helping people do so much that they don't know what to call what they do.
This is a key process for that.
Stop wasting time, and start solving problems.
The Strong Coach
Motivational Interviewing
The Questions
Fast forward six months, what is different about your life?
What are your top three goals?
Why do you want to accomplish your goal or solve this problem?
What will life look like?
What are three things you want out of a program that helps you achieve your goals?(if money is in the equation, what would help you get there and what would it be worth to you?)
What is currently in the way of achieving your goals?
What are common situations that derail you?
What are you afraid will happen if you don’t reach your goals?
Do you want me to reach out when I put the program together?
FREE Exercise Professional BUSINESS BASICS 101 PDF